• Prayer Book (2015)

    Errata corrections for Prayer Book, since this edition was published in 2015.

    20201013 - p22 Study 2, Before you begin - Replacement wording: ‘For about 350 years the Book of Common Prayer (1662) has been used in Anglican churches throughout the world. In the latter half of the twentieth century… (Instead of ‘For about 400 years …)
    20201014 - p33, Study 3, Section 1.1, spelling fix: ‘Matins’ (not Mattins)
    20201014 - p33, Study 3, Section 1.1, missing words added: “…daily services was designed to include the biblical Psalms…”
    20201014 - p33, Study 3, Section 1.1 -  missing words added: “…these services recently neglected the Psalms and had been corrupted…”
    p66, Study 5, Section 2.1, delete “With the accession to the throne of James 1” and replace with: “When James I was on the way to London to be enthroned as king in 1603, the Puritans presented a petition...”  
    p129, Study 9, Section 1 – bible reference correction: “Ezekiel 36:26-27” (not 26:26-27)

    Christian Ethics (2017)Christian Worship (2011)